Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Feeling a little stressed?

Not sure about you, but the above picture is what I feel like on a daily basis this time of year!  J
The hustle and bustle of the holiday season just adds another layer of stress to our already packed full, busy, on the go lives. 

Still need some last minute gifts?
Still shopping for:

 That person who has EVERYTHING
Your boss
 Your employees
Your neighbor

  Let Truffle*Licious take THAT stress away! 

I was originally planning to take orders through
 Monday the December 19th however I must change that due to the  number of orders that have been placed. 

 All orders must be in by Friday, December 16th at 5pm. 

I will have your orders ready and delivered by the date your request or no later than Thursday, the December, 22nd .

Please feel free to contact via email Truffle*Licious
 or by phone at 931-802-0354. 

Thanks, have a wonderful day
Merry Christmas!!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can you believe it???

We have

I am so far behind on my Christmas shopping that I’m ashamed! 
I am always one that is ahead of the game on that each year but it just
seems like the days are flying by on me!   
I need time to STOP for 1 solid day to allow me to catch up! 
Hahahahahah….even if I was granted that crazy wish
I think I’d still be behind!

Okay enough of my complaining I am going to take the approach that a friend
shared on Facebook yesterday…

”I’m going to count my blessings instead of my complaints!” 

How awesome is that!  Thanks Lori!

 My excitement for the week….

I was thrilled when Khandra Smalley with F&M Bank placed
a truffle order for their annual
Ladies Holiday Happening! 
They ordered 600 individual truffles! 

Now when the order was placed  I was like “I got this, no big deal!”  Oh but then when I started...can you say overwhelmed???  Thankfully with the best help a mom could ask for Samantha and I made it!  

That was the largest single order I had ever done so knowing that F&M employees as well as their guests loved them, I was relieved and proud!

I am so appreciative to all of my customers both repeat and new!  The Christmas orders are definitely starting to come in!!  

Samantha and I are gearing up for another busy weekend, starting with her taking the infamous ACT Exam on Saturday and the remainder of the weekend we'll be preparing orders. 

If you would like to place an order please feel free
to email at Truffle*Licious or you can message me through
 Truffle*Licous on Facebook or call me at 931-802-0354. 

Orders 4 dozen or less can be delivered within 2 days but on
larger orders I’ll need a few extra days notice.  I will take orders through December 19th with delivery complete by Thursday the 22nd. 

Needing them packaged as gifts? 
Just let me know and I’ll package them to suit your needs!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and as we go about our super busy schedule this time of year let’s all remember to….


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Time is coming....

My goodness can you believe the holidays are here? 

It seems like just yesterday was Halloween and now we have already flown through Thanksgiving and
Christmas is coming and FAST!!!

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year!  The smell of our home turns from pumpkin and spice scents into a blend of cinnamon, vanilla & apple not to mention the baking smell that is always there during truffle season. 

The weekend following Thanksgiving is an exciting time for me as Samantha and I spend the entire weekend putting up our Christmas Tree & decorations.  The memories that she & I make during those time are ones that I will cherish forever!

Now that the decorations are in place the next 3 weeks will be
filled with….yep you guessed it….


One thing that has taken me by surprise a little this year, are the orders for company Christmas Parties!  To date I have orders totaling over 1000 individual truffles!  WOW!  I couldn’t be more excited and pleased!!

Now, as you begin making your lists of gifts, dinners, parties etc. remember that truffles can be fantastic for many things!

They make the perfect gift for that hard to buy for person, your hairstylist, neighbor, teachers, bosses or employees! 

They are the perfect addition to a dessert table for family dinners and Christmas parties with friends!

And a tray of truffles can add a little something to a company office party as a sweet treat for the buffet or as a
Thank you gift for your employees or special clients.

Please go to my Menu/Prices tab above to find all the information you many need.  If for any reason you have questions or special requests don’t hesitate to send me an email to Stephanie @ Truffle*Licious or give me a call at 931-802-0354. 

Have a wonderful day and for the first time this season...Merry Christmas!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Only a couple of weeks to Thanksgiving!!!

I must say I was absolutely thrilled at the turn out that Rogate's Boutique had during the November Art Walk!  I was so afraid that the sudden cool temps and showers that day would result in a slow night.  I was so wrong!  Around 6:30 or so people slowly started trickling in and the samples I had started going quick!  The Pumpkin Spice seemed to be the nights “wow” flavor with the Oreo & Red Velvet and Peanut Butter maintaining their status as favorites!  Strawberry is always a hit and this years new flavor Coconut seems to be making a name for itself as well! 

I received quite a few holiday orders as well as selling all but 3 of the ready made boxes I had for purchase that night. 

It was a wonderful feeling seeing that Truffle*Licious has the ability to reach more potential customers.  Something that started as a holiday hobby is quickly turning into a small business that I could not be more thrilled about!  The holiday season is shaping up to be super busy so if you have not placed your orders for Thanksgiving do so as soon as possible.  The cut off for Thanksgiving orders will be November 19th with all orders to be delivered/picked up on Monday, November 21, 2011.

To place your order call or text me at 802-0354, email me at Truffle*Licious @ Gmail or message me on facebook at Truffle*Licious.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Historic Downtown Clarksville

Have you been to downtown Clarksville lately?
If not, a few reasons why you should make plans to do so!

Read this!
First Thursday Artwalk in Historic Downtown Clarksville

TruffleLicious will be the featured at:

Rogate's Boutique

115 Franklin Street
Located in historic Downtown Clarksville!

I will have free samples of all flavors along with pre-packaged orders for sale & I will also be taking orders for the upcoming holiday season! 

So remember, November 3rd from to @ Rogate’s Boutique!
And while you are downtown you can
Shop, Dine & Frolic at the other downtown merchants!
 I hope to see you there!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall is here....

I love this time of year!  Maple & Pumpkin scented candles burning through the house, the beautiful colored leaves on the trees and the crisp feeling in the air.  This time of year also brings about my urge to bake!  I love to cook and bake year 'round but the holiday season brings on that feeling much more! 

Now it is also officially "Truffle" season as I tell everyone.  I'm constantly rolling and dipping and will be doing so through at least Easter of next year.  My evenings and weekends are always busy with just being a wife and mom but in now it's in overdrive with truffles!  I have orders coming in daily from baby showers, teachers gifts, Thanksgiving orders and Christmas orders! The next 2 months are shaping up to be even busier than last year and I'm excited! I have added 2 new flavors this year....French Vanilla & Coconut!  They are all delicious in my opinion
 as I'm a total chocoholic (Definitely a trait my mother passed along!) but....
the french vanilla & coconut.....absolutely fabulous!!! 

Call me or email me today if you have questions or would like to place orders!  You can view my flavors and pricing is my menu & prices tab! 

I hope you enjoy this beautiful day!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chocolate...and it's FREE!!

Now doesn'tthis just about sum it up???

Beginning today I have a new contest! 

Go to my facebook page and “Like” it!  Then share Truffle*Licious' page on your personal facebook page!

For EACH of your friends who also like my page & they leave me a comment about you referring them I will put
your name into a drawing for 2 DOZEN FREE TRUFFLES!
I mean really, how much easier could that be? 


Go do it now! 

Contest runs through October 1, 2011
